Return policy

Criteria for Accepting Returns

Our store promises to provide you with a “14-day Unconditional Returns Service” within 14 days after the receipt of your purchase (as determined by the date of signing for the purchase). You can return the products purchased at our store for any reason or without any condition within 14 days of receiving your purchase (specific marketing events are subject to related terms and conditions). Unless there is product quality problem, all products are allowed return, but no exchange.

Returns for any reason or without any condition are limited to the following circumstances:

  • The color, design model and materials of product are not consistent with the description on the website
  • The product is purchased in the wrong size or doesn’t fit
  • There is any problem in the delivery process
  • You dislike the product
  • You purchase a wrong product
  • You receive a product flawed or with any quality defects (Such product may be returned only in accordance with the return procedure for defective products and will subject to additional limitations.)
  • For some specific offers / promotion events, a full return & refund is required for the orders purchased during the event. You have to return all the discounted products of the purchase, partial return & refund will not be accepted.

Please make sure that the item for returning is in a condition that it can be sold again and that the original package is intact (Please ensure the shoes box is not damages or smudged).

  • No damage or stains on the products
  • Product remains unworn, unused and unwashed
  • All Product tags present
  • All original tags attached
  • In Resell-able condition
  • Due to hygiene concerns, all accessories such as socks, water bottle and shoe care products cannot be returned

If there is any free gift in the order and you cannot fulfill the original order requirements of receiving free gift after making returns, it must be sent together with the order for the return and refund process. If the free gift is not returned, the retail amount of the gift will be deducted from the refund amount. No refund or exchange for the gifts and redemption products.

Return Details

Return Criteria

  • Please make sure that your order meets above Criteria for Accepting Returns.

Return Delivery Charge

  • Unless the product is flawed or any quality defected, all returns orders will be charged HK$50 as return delivery fee, and the charge will be deducted from the total refund amount which will be revealed on the “Return Request Confirmation” email.

Return Procedure

  1. Please contact us for any return request.
  2. Once we accept your return request, you will also receive a "Return Request Confirmation email" which stated the item you requested to return and the total refund amount.
  3. Please print out the “Return Request Confirmation email”, pack and seal with your return item securely in an undamaged bag together. Please do not pack your return products in the original see-through packing bag to prevent losing the products during shipping.
  4. Once we receive the returned products and determine that they satisfy return conditions, the refund will be credit back to your credit card account within 20 business days.

Refund Details

  • Once we receive the returned products and determine that they meet the return criteria, we will credit back the refund to your credit card account within 14 business days.
  • If the return item does not meet the above return criteria, we will return the item to you and would have an additional HK$50 as return delivery charge.
  • The refund amount is subject to the actual payment amount.
  • The actual refund date is based on the bank or online payment platform processing cycle.
  • If there is any free gift in the order and you cannot fulfill the original order requirements of receiving free gift(s) after making returns, it must be return together with the order for refund. If the free gift is not returned, the retail amount of the gift will be deducted from the refund amount.
  • If your order cannot fulfill the original order requirements of applying the coupon code after making return, the total value of the coupon code will be deducted from the refund. Once the order is refunded, the relevant coupon code cannot be used again.

Reasons for Unacceptable Returns/Exchange

Under the following circumstances, we will not be able to process your returns:

  • Products not meeting the criteria for “14-day Unconditional Returns”
  • Products that have been improperly used, including without limitation, having touched extremely damp objects, chemicals, gasoline, paint, detergent, solvent, or cooking oil, or having been overheated
  • Products with loose threads or cracking due to external scratches by hard objects, or internal wear and tear
  • Damaged products due to use for longer than service life
  • Damaged products due to improper wash
  • Products with color fading due to display
  • Products with unclean appearance
  • Products not sold on our store

No Exchange

  • In order to let you receive the correct product faster, we provide the service of return instead of exchange.
  • Please return the unwanted item following above return procedure and then place a new order directly for the products you want.